Recurring Jobs

Id Cron Time zone Job Next execution Last execution Created
GeoCoding PlaceId finder 0 0 31 2 * UTC IGoogleMapsJonService.StationPlaceIdGenerator Disabled N/A 12/06/2023 09:27:22
GTFS GenerateFeed 0 0 31 2 * UTC Could not load type 'Travel.Services.JobServices.Interfaces.IGTFSFeedService' from assembly 'Travel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Disabled 11/17/2023 13:50:23 10/09/2023 10:57:07
Invalidates Blog cache 0 0 31 2 * UTC ICacheInvalidatorJobService.InvalidateBlogsCacheAsync Disabled 03/28/2024 15:54:08 10/31/2023 15:19:56
Invalidates Country trending locations cache 0 0 31 2 * UTC ICacheInvalidatorJobService.InvalidateTrendingLocationMappingCacheAsync Disabled N/A 01/30/2024 09:28:13
Invalidates Routes cache 0 0 31 2 * UTC ICacheInvalidatorJobService.InvalidateRoutesCacheAsync Disabled 07/03/2024 15:41:49 12/06/2023 09:27:22
Invalidates Station Tags cache 0 0 31 2 * UTC ICacheInvalidatorJobService.InvalidateStationTagsCacheAsync Disabled N/A 12/06/2023 09:27:22
Invalidates Weather cache 0 0 31 2 * UTC ICacheInvalidatorJobService.InvalidateWeatherCacheAsync Disabled N/A 01/10/2024 15:31:25
Job that sends email for JourneyId 0 0 31 2 * UTC IJourneyEmailNotifierJobService.SendReservationEmail Disabled N/A 06/20/2023 09:32:18
Job that sends email for JourneyReservationId 0 0 31 2 * UTC IJourneyEmailNotifierJobService.SendJourneyReservationEmail Disabled N/A 06/29/2023 13:30:49
Job that sends email for TravelBundleReservationId 0 0 31 2 * UTC ITravelBundleJobEmailService.SendBundleReservationEmail Disabled N/A 06/20/2023 09:32:18
Job that sync graph edges and vertices 0 0 31 2 * UTC IGraphJobService.ReGenerateGraph Disabled 11/06/2023 12:15:56 06/20/2023 07:11:46
Job that updates the localization names in albanian for locations 0 0 31 2 * UTC ILocalizationJobService.UpdateLocationLocalizationsForAlbanianLanguage Disabled 10/23/2023 08:46:42 08/15/2023 08:07:36
Job that updates the Slugs for all entities in the UrlRecords table 0 0 31 2 * UTC ISlugUpdateService.UpdateUrlRecordSlugs Disabled 08/15/2023 08:23:12 08/15/2023 08:07:37
Job that updates the Slugs for Blogs in the UrlRecords table 0 0 31 2 * UTC ISlugUpdateService.UpdateBlogUrlRecordSlugs Disabled N/A 08/15/2023 08:07:39
Job that updates the Slugs for Cities in the UrlRecords table 0 0 31 2 * UTC ISlugUpdateService.UpdateCityUrlRecordSlugs Disabled N/A 08/15/2023 08:07:37
Job that updates the Slugs for Stations in the UrlRecords table 0 0 31 2 * UTC ISlugUpdateService.UpdateStationUrlRecordSlugs Disabled N/A 08/15/2023 08:07:38
Job that updates the Slugs for TravelBundles in the UrlRecords table 0 0 31 2 * UTC ISlugUpdateService.UpdateTravelBundleUrlRecordSlugs Disabled N/A 08/15/2023 08:07:38
Job used to make QuickBook calls for generation of invoices of Journey Reservations 0 0 31 2 * UTC IInvoiceGenerationService.SendJourneyReservationQBInvoiceRequest Disabled 10/16/2023 11:31:12 08/24/2023 09:25:34
QB: generation of invoices of Journey Reservations 0 0 31 2 * UTC IInvoiceGenerationService.SendJourneyReservationQBInvoiceRequest Disabled 10/16/2023 11:32:47 09/13/2023 08:38:01
QB: generation of invoices OF Travel Bundle Reservations 0 0 31 2 * UTC IInvoiceGenerationService.SendTravelBundleReservationQBInvoiceRequest Disabled N/A 09/13/2023 08:38:01
QuickBook calls journey reservations real time 0 0 31 2 * UTC IInvoiceGenerationService.SendJourneyReservationQBInvoiceRequest Disabled N/A 08/30/2023 13:53:52
QuickBook calls travel bundles real time 0 0 31 2 * UTC IInvoiceGenerationService.SendTravelBundleReservationQBInvoiceRequest Disabled N/A 08/30/2023 13:53:52
Send checkout abandonment emails * * * * * UTC TravelBundleJobEmailService.NotifyUsersForAbandonmentEmail 07/03/2024 20:52:00 07/03/2024 20:51:14 06/20/2023 09:32:17
Send checkout abandonment emails V2 * * * * * UTC TravelBundleJobEmailService.NotifyUsersForAbandonmentEmailV2 07/03/2024 20:52:00 07/03/2024 20:51:14 06/29/2023 13:30:48
Handler for dashboard events 0 * * * * UTC IDashboardService.HandleDashboardEvents 07/03/2024 21:00:00 07/03/2024 20:00:11 10/19/2023 12:06:51
Job that generates and sends JourneyReservation confirmation 0 * * * * UTC IJourneyEmailNotifierJobService.JourneyReservationNotifyCheck 07/03/2024 21:00:00 07/03/2024 20:00:11 06/29/2023 13:30:49
Job that generates and sends Reservation confirmation 0 * * * * UTC IJourneyEmailNotifierJobService.JourneyNotifyCheck 07/03/2024 21:00:00 07/03/2024 20:00:11 06/20/2023 09:32:17
Make QuickBook calls for generation of invoices of Reservations that are not processed 0 * * * * UTC IInvoiceGenerationService.CheckJourneyReservationSentQBInvoiceRequests 07/03/2024 21:00:00 07/03/2024 20:00:11 08/30/2023 12:58:54
QB: generation of invoices of Travel Bundle Reservations that are not processed 0 * * * * UTC IInvoiceGenerationService.CheckTravelBundleReservationSentQBInvoiceRequests 07/03/2024 21:00:00 07/03/2024 20:00:11 09/13/2023 08:38:01
QB: Journey Reservations that are not processed 0 * * * * UTC IInvoiceGenerationService.CheckJourneyReservationSentQBInvoiceRequests 07/03/2024 21:00:00 07/03/2024 20:00:11 09/13/2023 08:38:01
QuickBook calls for journey reservations 0 * * * * UTC IInvoiceGenerationService.CheckTravelBundleReservationSentQBInvoiceRequests 07/03/2024 21:00:00 07/03/2024 20:00:11 08/30/2023 13:53:52
Daily update currency conversions 0 0 * * * UTC ICurrencyService.UpdateCurrencyConversions 07/04/2024 00:00:00 07/03/2024 00:00:04 09/13/2023 08:38:01
Daily update currency freaks conversions 0 0 * * * UTC ICurrencyService.UpdateCurrencyFreaksConversions 07/04/2024 00:00:00 07/03/2024 00:00:04 02/22/2024 12:21:43
Invalidates TravelBundle cache 0 0 * * * UTC ICacheInvalidatorJobService.InvalidateTravelBundlesCacheAsync 07/04/2024 00:00:00 07/03/2024 00:00:04 10/31/2023 15:19:56
Job that generates Sitemaps.xml 0 0 * * * UTC ISeoJobService.GenerateSitemap 07/04/2024 00:00:00 07/03/2024 00:00:04 06/20/2023 09:32:17
Send daily report notification to operators. 0 20 * * * UTC INotificationSenderService.DailySalesReport 07/04/2024 20:00:00 07/03/2024 20:00:11 09/13/2023 08:38:00
Expires user invitations where the user didn't accept after 10 days of being invited 0 0 * * 1 UTC IUserInvitationsService.ExpireUserInvitationsAsync 07/08/2024 00:00:00 07/01/2024 00:00:02 09/13/2023 08:38:00
Job that sync trip paths 0 0 * * 1 UTC ITripPathsJobService.SyncTripPathsJob 07/08/2024 00:00:00 07/01/2024 00:00:02 06/20/2023 09:32:17
(ADMIN ONLY) Send news letter email to admins 0 0 25 * * UTC INewsLetterEmailSenderService.SendNewsLetterEmailToAdminsAsync 07/25/2024 00:00:00 06/25/2024 00:00:10 02/22/2024 12:21:43
Check Cities Sales 0 0 1 * * UTC ElasticSearchCitiesOrderBySalesService.OrderCitiesBySales 08/01/2024 00:00:00 07/01/2024 00:00:02 06/20/2023 07:11:51
Check Recursive Cities Sales 0 0 1 * * UTC ElasticSearchCitiesOrderBySalesService.OrderRecursiveCitiesBySales 08/01/2024 00:00:00 07/01/2024 00:00:02 01/30/2024 09:28:13
Send news letter email to all subscribers 0 12 1 * * UTC INewsLetterEmailSenderService.SendNewsLetterEmailsAsync 08/01/2024 12:00:00 07/01/2024 12:00:03 02/22/2024 12:21:43
Total items: 42